Saturday, October 27, 2012

Preschool Mulch Delivery

On Thursday, 200 yards of playground mulch was delivered at just the right time for the Dophins to watch from our Outdoor Classroom.  Bunnies, ducks, big trucks; what could be better?

Obviously, 4 boys thought that completing their task was more important.  They raked leaves from the large pecan tree that shades the greenhouse - all the better to collect the delicious nuts.  Inside the Rainbow Room we use mochajetes to crack the shells and learn to pry out the nutmeat. Nothing beats taking something apart to learn how it is constructed, and we're becoming champs at the structure of the tiny seed from which strong pecan trees grow.
By the way, adults are invited to spread much this Saturday, 10/27.  All 3 playgrounds have piles of mulch awaiting steel rakes and pitchforks.  Come early, bring the children, and teach them to use tools and learn what volunteers can accomplish!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Owl Pellet Investigation

The fifth grade class had the unique opportunity to investigate owl pellets today.  Working in pairs the students used tweezers and toothpicks and their gloved hands to pull the pellets apart and identify the different bones.  Each discovery led to excited calls across the classroom "look what I found, a . . . " and my favorite "hey, they got a better pellet than we did"

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Todays EcoHeroes middle school class transplanted baby agaves for our plant sale.

Third Grade Butterfly Release

Right before setting up for Harvest Fest last Friday, three children tagged a reared Monarch for MonarchWatch and released it.  The Monarchs will be arriving soon from the northern states on their way to Mexico, so watch for more activity soon!

5th Grade is Corny

The fifth grade class spent time this morning dissecting flowers and getting hands on with corn.